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Comprehensive Guide to Generator Repair in Houston, TX

Before buying a home standby generator, here's what you should know - The Washington Post
Investing in a home generator can be a significant decision, and there are several key factors that homeowners should consider before making a purchase. One of the primary considerations is determining the need for a generator. If power outages are frequent and prolonged in your area, investing in a generator can provide a reliable backup power source.

Here are some other vital considerations:

Consider Your Power Needs with a Generator in Houston, TX

  • Essential Appliances: Identify the essential appliances that you’d want to keep running during a power outage. These may include refrigeration, heating or cooling systems, and lighting.
  • Wattage Requirements: Every electrical appliance has a certain wattage requirement. Sum up the wattage requirements of all the appliances you’d want to power to determine the size of the generator you need.

Choosing Between Standby and Portable Houston Generators

  • Standby Generators: These are installed permanently on a concrete pad in your home and will provide uninterrupted backup for days. They are more expensive but most convenient as they turn on automatically when the power cuts.
  • Portable Generators: These are less expensive, and can be stored away until needed. However, they require manual setup each time you need them, and need to be refuelled regularly.

Considerations When Installing a Whole House Generator in Houston, TX

Generators can run on various types of fuel:

  • Diesel: These generators are known for their longevity and lower maintenance requirements, but diesel fuel can be harder to find.
  • Natural Gas: These generators are less noisy and the fuel is readily available, but these generators usually produce less power.
  • Propane: These generators have a longer shelf life, but the fuel is more expensive and less efficient.

Considering Houston, TX Generator Installation Costs

The cost of a generator is not limited to its upfront price:

  • Purchase Price: This will depend on the type and size of the generator.
  • Installation Cost: Standby generators will require professional installation and perhaps even a permit.
  • Running Cost: This includes the cost of fuel and any maintenance or repairs.

Exploring Generator Installation in Houston, TX

Generators can be noisy. It’s important to consider this factor, especially if you live in a densely populated area where neighbors could be disturbed.

By carefully considering all these factors, homeowners can make an informed decision about the type and size of generator that will best meet their needs.

Understanding the essential aspects of home generator safety measures is crucial to using these devices safely. Here are some important safety guidelines to consider.

Location of the Generator

The location of your home generator plays a significant role in its safety. It should be placed outdoors, far from windows, vents, and doors to prevent the hazardous carbon monoxide from entering your home. Additionally, the generator should be shielded from direct exposure to rain and snow, but its exhaust should not be obstructed.

Safe Fuel Handling

Proper fuel handling is another critical aspect of generator safety.

  • Do not overfill the fuel tank.

Proper Setup and Connection

To prevent back-feeding, which can be deadly, never plug a generator directly into a wall outlet. Instead, consider installing a transfer switch which connects the generator to your circuit panel and lets you power hardwired appliances.

Regular Maintenance

Like any other machine, home generators require routine maintenance to function safely and efficiently.

  • Regularly checking the generator for signs of wear and tear.
  • Changing the oil after prolonged use or as recommended by the manufacturer.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly, colorless, and odorless gas emitted by generators. It is vital to install a CO detector in your home near the bedrooms and test it regularly to make sure it’s functioning properly.

Safe Operating Practices

Always read and follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions to ensure safe generator usage. Avoid overloading your generator and turn it off during refueling. Keep the generator dry, and never operate it with wet hands or in wet conditions.

Understanding Electrical Hazards

Generators produce electricity, which can cause electric shock or electrocution if not handled properly. Always keep the generator dry and protect it from rain and snow. Never touch the generator with wet hands or use it in wet conditions.

Understanding these essential aspects of home generator safety measures is crucial in preventing accidents and ensuring safe generator operation. Remember, the safe use of a home generator is not just about following rules but understanding the reasons behind them.

Hiring a professional contractor for installing a home generator is a critical step towards ensuring safety, proper usage, and long-term reliability of the unit. This process requires careful consideration and planning.


Ensure that the contractor holds the necessary licenses and insurance to carry out the installation. You can ask the contractor for proof of these documents. In many areas, electrical and plumbing work must be done by licensed professionals to meet local and national codes.


Research online customer reviews, check references and consult with trusted sources such as the Better Business Bureau. An experienced contractor will be knowledgeable about various models of generators and will be able to suggest the one that best suits your needs.


A detailed, written estimate will provide a clear understanding of the work to be done, including electrical and gas plumbing tasks. The contractor should walk you through the installation process, explaining which parts of your home will be affected during the job.


A good contractor should offer an all-inclusive service that covers not just the installation, but also maintenance and repair services. Regular servicing ensures that your generator operates efficiently and lasts longer.


Contractors who are affiliated with generator manufacturers may have advanced training on specific models. They may also offer better warranties, and use original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts for repairs and replacements.


Good communication is key for any home improvement project. The contractor should be responsive to your questions and concerns, provide updates on the project, and discuss any potential issues that may arise.


While cost should not be the only determining factor, it is still important. Get estimates from multiple contractors, and compare them. Make sure you understand what is included in the quote and what might be extra.

Choosing the right contractor for your home generator installation is an important decision. It’s always worth investing time and effort upfront to find a reputable, skilled contractor for such a significant investment in your home’s comfort and safety.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that can be deadly if inhaled in large amounts. It is often dubbed the “silent killer” due to its undetectable nature. While home generators are a reliable source of power during blackouts, they can also be a source of carbon monoxide if not used properly. An important aspect of utilizing a home generator is understanding how to prevent CO poisoning.

Location of the Generator

When operating a generator, where it is located greatly matters. The generator should be positioned at least 20 feet away from the house or any living space, including garages, basements or enclosed spaces. This is to ensure that the exhaust fumes, which contain CO, do not enter your home.

  • Never operate a generator inside your home or garage.
  • Do not place the generator near windows, doors or vents where CO can seep inside.

Carbon monoxide detectors are essential for every home, particularly if you are using a generator.

  • Install CO detectors on each level of your home, including the basement.
  • Replace the batteries at least once a year.

Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is key to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Generators should always be used in well-ventilated areas.

  • Make sure there is ample space around the generator for exhaust gases to disperse.
  • Ensure proper air circulation around the generator.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your generator ensures it operates efficiently, reducing the chances of CO buildup.

  • Conduct regular inspections to check for problems.
  • Replace parts as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Hire a professional for maintenance of large, permanent generators.

Educate Yourself and Your Family

Everyone in your household should be aware of the dangers of CO poisoning and how to prevent it.

  • Learn the symptoms of CO poisoning, such as headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion.
  • If you suspect CO poisoning, get outside to fresh air immediately and call 911.
  • Discuss with your family what to do in case of a CO emergency.

Always remember that prevention is the best approach when it comes to protecting your household from carbon monoxide exposure.

When it comes to navigating the coverage of your home insurance policy for generator damage and losses, it may seem like you’re venturing into complex territory. However, understanding the ins and outs of your policy can go a long way in ensuring you are appropriately covered in the event of any unforeseen incidents.

Exploring Generator Service in Houston, TX

Typically, a standard home insurance policy provides coverage for the structure of your home and the personal belongings inside it. This usually includes appliances like generators, provided they are used for personal, not commercial, purposes.

Most common perils covered under a standard policy may include:

  • Fire or lightning
  • Windstorm or hail
  • Explosion
  • Riot or civil commotion
  • Damage caused by aircraft or vehicles
  • Smoke
  • Vandalism
  • Theft

Your Guide to Home Generator in Houston, TX

If your generator is damaged or stolen, it is generally covered under the personal property protection component of your home insurance policy. This means that you can file a claim to replace or repair your generator.

However, it should be noted that not all types of damage are covered. For instance, damage due to lack of maintenance, wear and tear, or mechanical breakdown is typically not covered by a standard homeowners policy.

Understanding Portable Generator Repair in Houston, TX

When claiming for generator damage or loss, remember that your insurance policy will have a deductible and policy limit. The deductible is the amount you would pay out-of-pocket before your insurance kicks in, and the policy limit is the maximum amount your insurance company will pay for a covered loss.

For example, if your generator costs $2,000, and your deductible is $500, you would pay the first $500 and your insurance company would pay the remaining $1,500, provided that the claim is covered and does not exceed the policy limit.

Meet the Top Generator Installers in Houston, TX

If your generator is particularly expensive or if it’s a standby generator that’s permanently installed to your home, you may want to consider purchasing additional coverage for it. Equipment breakdown coverage or adding the generator to your policy as a scheduled personal property may provide broader protection and higher limits for damage or loss.

Moreover, if you live in an area prone to power outages and rely heavily on your generator, you may want to consider loss of use or additional living expenses coverage. This covers additional costs you may incur if your home becomes uninhabitable due to a power outage and your generator fails.

Understanding the details of your home insurance policy, including what is covered in the context of generator damage or loss, is critical. Be sure to review your policy carefully and consult with your insurance provider to ensure your generator, and by extension, your peace of mind, is appropriately protected.